HFS Employee Exit Interview Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.HR Business Partner should fill up the Exit Interview Form of the resigned employee on or before the last working date of the employee. The HR BP can engage with the employee preferred in person or at least on the phone. The form should be filled up after having discussed with the exiting employee at length with the terms of exit. For Performance led exits, please ask questions mentioned in the brackets. Email *HR BP Name *Employee Code *Employee Name *Resignation Date *Last Working Date *Supervisor Name *Phone numberPersonal Email Address * Exit Interview Feedback To be captured as candidly as possible. Exit Initiated by *Manager InitiatedEmployee InitiatedPrimary Reason for Leaving *Larger RoleCompensationHigher GradeNature of JobSupervisory IssuesLocation concernsMarriage/Family reasonsMedical reasonsAbscondingAsk to GoPerformance led exitNew Employer Name (In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *Next Role Moving to (In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *Salary Hike offered (In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *How would you rate your experience at HFS till date (In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *Very GoodGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryNAOtherIf you have selected the above option as Other, Kindly mention the reason belowHow would you rate your Supervisor at HFS till date (In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *Very GoodGoodSatisfactoryUnSatisfactoryNAOtherIf you have selected the above option as Other, Kindly mention the reason belowWhat according to you are the areas where HFS could do to better or improve on?(In case of Termination, Absconding, Ask to Go, Performance Led Exit, please don't ask the question and mark the answer as NA) *Question for Manager: During the course of employment, can the conduct of the employee be deemed satisfactory or unsatisfactory? *SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryWaiver of Notice Approved by HOD or is there a recovery? (Communicate to resigned employee) *Notice Period WaivedRecovery of Notice periodFull Notice ServedNotice Period Waiver Approval Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Submit